In order to gain maximum utilization of the tri color LED board, we experimented with the SPI functionality of the HCS12 Microcontroller and get multiple colors working in the game. Unfortunately, how the exact functionality could be obtained was very unclear and we could not implement the system in a way to yield the desirable effects.

4:16 Decoders, LED Driver, and Op Amps (from left to right)

LED Driver
After several days of experimenting with the SPI and LED drivers, we decided it was the best route to conserve our time and produce a project with tangible results. We decided that we will use Ports A, B, and T along with decoders in order to drive the LED board in a single color.
It is electric sources of Electronic speed controller. Many types’ toys are runner from remote controlled by electric. Electronic speed controller is best effectively of toys. One of the most exciting hobbies is Electronic speed controller toys like in this time of boys.